About Protocolten

Protocolten is personal blog website designed & developed by Harpreet Singh. I'm a learner focused on Linux, Cloud, Python, Cyber Security, and any new technology that I can get my hands on. This blog act as a personal journal for me where I write about all the new things that I learn everyday.

I'm working as Linux System Administrator for a private firm where I handle Linux based systems/servers both on-premise and cloud. I've been in the Information Technology sector from 5 years. As a former UI/UX Designer and Python Developer, I've gathered knowledge about various fields and sector that I'll be sharing in my blog articles.

This blog will be focused on Programming (Bash & Python), Cyber Security (CTF Challenges), Linux Server Configurations and management, Common Operating System issues, and many more tech related sectors.

Contact me on my email or check out my GitHub page.
